Clean up Days
on the Canals- Northampton Arm
Get involved with the local IWA along the Northampton arm by contacting Geoff.wood@waterways.org.uk dates for the whole of 2019 below
The Big Scout Clear Up weekend
Save the date
A weekend of Action in your local area
13-14th July 2019. our mission is to get as many groups out taking action in the big clean . more details to follow.

Citizen Science - inaturalist
Why not get involved in a citizen science project You can use the iNaturalist app or visit inaturalist.org to upload pictures and wildlife observations - these will contribute to a world wide database of biodiversity, supporting local and global research projects.
Why not encourage your young people to take part in the No plastics Lunch initiative for the day or find out more about the oceans threats and how plastics in particular are damaging the oceans as part of your SNAPP challenge -
Resources about Plastics in the sea can be found at -
Or a lesson play can be found in our downloads section
Use this handy video to help explain the impact of plastic in the sea.
Info about Gyres