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Saving our SNAPP turtle

Writer: SnappSnapp

One of our occasional helpers, is currently lucky enough to be working out in a Eco vision resort. It is a dive and turtle conservation/release resort. They are currently undertaking work doing hourly beach patrols, daily reef conservation and clean ups - they also undertake awareness raising about turtles, monitoring hatchlings and escorting to the ocean.

We are lucky enough that she has taken the time to share some of this important work with us all, just last week they rescued a 1year old turtle trapped in a net, after cutting her free and checking her medical needs they then swam her back out to sea.

Whilst learning about the turtles is a great opportunity for us here at home - the importance of what we are doing about reducing plastics into the sea is important to her project- She is seeing first hand the impact plastic pollution and rubbish is doing to the ocean and all those who depend on the ocean. As part of their work they monitor all the plastics and litter they find during their clean up events and record all this information on an App - this is something you could also download and use. We are working with her to learn more about their work and will pass this on to you - In the meantime here are some pictures and a short video of the work with turtles.



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