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Tackling issues outside of scouting

Writer: SnappSnapp

The SNAPP project is an opportunity to work with your group to look at ways of reducing our reliance on plastics - We had hoped at the start that this learning might spread wider than just our membership. So we are delighted that we are already started to hear about how our young people are developing these ideas and influencing other areas of their world such as at School - We love this!

We have kindly received a donation of World Atlas as prizes for young people who come to our attention as going the extra mile and implementing an idea outside of scouting. This week we heard about Finley B at Whitehills who had thought about an plastic free alternative Red Nose at school and how to implement it next year - Here are three other cub scouts chatting about their own idea -

Please let us know of any of any stories from your sections that could receive a prize in recognition of their "Making a Change Idea to keep the planet green and Blue". Email us at



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