Just pulling together all our hard work and efforts that we have heard about so far In quarter one. 35 groups have posted about at least one activity they have been doing, we have had a number of litter picks, letters to Mp’s and companies, influenced schools to reduce plastics, swooped to leather wiggles, opened terracycle collection points, created community gardens, some beach cleans, visited recycle centres had visitors in, converted our waste to recycling at Sir JLC and overstone, selling leather woggles and sustainable products in scout shops, educated 1000’s of our own young people and schools and local communities and our families, pledged to stop using single use plastics! Ran workshops at camps ..... even adopted an animal along the way!
This is such a massive response to our first quarter! Well done Northamptonshire! We will letting Stevie B our progress!!! If you have been active and haven’t told us yet ... what you waiting for!!!
Well done everyone! Look forward to quarter 2!!! If you planning and need a hand just shout!!!
